Various: Where Was Butler

Suchen CD Index

Genre: Trinidad

Folklyric 9048

01. The Tiger: Money is king

02. The Tiger: The gold in africa

03. The Lion: Send your children to the orphan home

04. The Caresser: Paramaribo

05. Atilla The Hun: Treasury scandal

06. The Executor: I don't know how the young men living

07. The Growler: Too botheration

08. The Tiger: Down the road

09. Atilla The Hun: The strike

10. The Tiger: Miss marie's advice

11. Atilla The Hun: Where was butler

12. Atilla The Hun: The governor's resignation

13. Lord Executor: We murn the loss of sir murch-ison fletcher

14. Atilla The Hun: Mr nankivell's speech

15. Atilla The Hun: Comission's report

16. King Radio: Sedition law

Thomas Heuving